1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I haven't really researched any school magazines which was a major flaw when first looking at creating a school magazine the market is very limited. However i imagine a real school magazine would have on the cover pupils, a school friendly mise en scene i.e school uniform. The schools logo and own name as a mast head, and stick to the house style that the school has, in my case red black and yellow.
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The school magazine is meant to represent pupils of high school age. It does this by having two pupils in uniform on the front. 
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I think an indipendant media institution would distribute my school magazine as its only meant for my school so the school itself could produce it and distribute it in registration times. The market isnt big enough for a big producer to distribute my product. 
4. Who will be the audience for your media product?
The audience would be parents and students.
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
Various school related plugs on the cover, a reader relationship has been created along with the presentable friendly looking students. 
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt to use a very sophisticated camera, straighten images on publisher, grasp the basics of publisher and learnt how to shoot a head/ shoulders shot. 
This is my Preliminary Task main image. I have one pupil of each gender to be my cover stars, this will hopefully appeal to the unisex audience i am trying to attract. They have the schools logo in the background and are both looking smart in the schools uniform so the front cover is already recognisable as a school magazine and creating a 'brand' by having the schools logo and name in the frame. The shot i have used is a head/ shoulders shot to be able to fit all of these things in and still be able to see them in detail. 

All of the plugs are relevant to the 'School theme' which i feel is a strong point of my Pliminary along with the other things mentioned in previous posts. I have also created a personal relationship between the reader/ consumer and my cover stars by looking at the camera and smiling they are making the reader feel needed and have a sence of belonging which ulti
Although this is just a Preliminary Task i still wanted to make it effective practice and use some of the conventions found in real magazines therefor i have added in a left hand side which will let the audience/ consumer see the magazine from afar and decide if they like my (hopefully) interesting lines to pull them in. I have also used a header for the school as my Magazine title i feel the black text fits in and it all ties together to create an effective and 

For the preliminary task i was set to create the cover for a schools magazine. To go about this i asked 50 students across years 7, 8,9,10 and 11 'how long they spent reading each day', if they were 'interested in reading about their school' and 'what gender are you'. This would help me get an idea into my head about who and what sort of target audience i was focusing on. 
The results are as follows: 

'How long do you spend reading each day?' 
1-2 hours 20/50 agreed
2-3 hours 6/50 agreed 
3-4 hours 13/50 agreed
4 hours + 11/50 agreed

Clearly this research shows that i shouldnt make my Preliminary Task too time consuming for the ever busy students.

'Are you interested in reading about your school?'
Yes 20/50 agreed
No 30/50 agreed

Most of the more mature students decided they didnt want to read about their school so the research shows i should either try and make my magazine look interesting to the older students to catch their attention or i should try and make it more appealing for those that showed an interest from the beginning in the product i am going to create. This seems like the more sensible option and is what i shall do. 

'What gender are you?' (Clearly i didnt ask this question as it was quite obvious i just kept a tally)
Male 23/50
Female 27/50

The audience im catering for seem to be of a quite even divide so my product will be unisex and targeted at no