All of my online, poll and survey research has combined together to give me the following results and aims to stick to, to make my magazine successful.

The target audience will be predominatly female however will cater for a male audience.
The target age group will be 14 plus
The magazine needs to have bright colours, a happy fun look 
This is the final stages of my research an online poll on my home page of
The research shows that most people are interested in a pop magazine which is what  i shall create. The expect bright colours, popular music, a fun theme and interviews which i shall intend to create.

These are the statistics from pop hit Telephone video as you can see its most popular in America, Mexico and France. The top audiences are females ranging from ages 13- 17 years of age. This gives me an idea of who will like my 'pop' magazine. I should try appeal to this audience as much as possible due to these stats. The video is quite patriotic which explains the Americans popularity of the video. What's interesting is that men are the second and third most popular audiences which could back up Laura Mulvey's 'Male Gaze' theory due to Beyonce and Lady Gaga wearing very little throughout. 

I asked 50 men and 50 women what sort of music they were into. The chart on the left is that of the females and the chart on the right is that of the males. The women seem to like pop music a whole 20% more than men suggesting i could either make it more appealing to them (like i did in my ancillary task) or i could try appeal to both audiences as there is quite a few men who like pop music too.