This is the cover of Face Magazine which is a British music, fashion and coulture magazine which was esablished around the 80's started by Nick Logan. Logan had previously created the teen pop magazine Smash Hits, and had been an editor at the New Music Express in the 1970s before launching The Face in 1980 which explains why the lifestyle magazine had strong undertones of music running through it. The cover star George Michael is pictured in a close up looking sternly at the camera which fits in with the plug as it is relivant to George Michael 's life giving the reader some insight into the pop stars life. Georges hair is styled and he seems to have on quite a expensive looking shirt. He looks tidy and attractive which is something readers look for in order to be attracted to the magazine. The Face was published monthly which could explain why it the cover looks quite minimal due to the amount of time editors were given to work on it. Also this cover is one from the 80's we can expect our covers to look a lot more professional due to the technology we now have. The Face magazine ceased publication in 2004 due to a decline in sales and therefore funds for further issues, so EMAP decided to pull the plug on the magazine. The Face was however featured in the V&A musuems Club to Catwalk expedition and their Postmodernism feature.

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