Names for music magazines are extreamly important 'Q' magazine was formerly called 'Cue' due to it holding connotations of Cuing a record however as records got replaced by CDs this meaning was lost by people in the changing society and the magazine got mistaken for a snooker magazine so they changed the name to 'Q'.
I was thinking about using the name 'Bass' as its short, and has relevance to music however its not very 'popish' and something that seems jolly as its connotations are that of low sound and a double meaning of a fish which isn't what I'm trying to convey. 
Noir: I thought of 'Noir' as its the French term for black which again isn't very popish how ever it sounds quite sophisticated to say and again its short. I also thought about film noir and the extravagance and mystery surrounding those types of films.
 Prodigy: This is defined as a person especially a young one gifted with exceptional abilities which is what Pop Stars are.
Stars: Stars in the sky are lovely to look at however it could have a double meaning of a Pop Star a person/ thing we look up to. I feel this give out the right image for my magazine and will probably be the one I use due to this.  

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