My media magazine will be full of fun, bright colours and give off a 'pop' music vibe as that is the genre i have chosen. This may seem childish however like 'Pop' magazine im going to try and give it a sophisticated 90's pop look and hopefully attract people of the ages 17- late 20's, and ofcourse anyone interested in Pop music. Pop music is anything that's popular so if it was the 1950's my music magazine might be on Rock and Roll, however in 2013 id argue that Solo artists from the likes of Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Rhianna ect to bands like Swim Deep, The Vaccines and Yeah, Yeah Yeahs class as popular music, Pop music in our era is extreamly versatile which is why i dont feel the need to have a niche genre of magazine as this would make it extreamly harder to have a target audience, where as popular music vertually covers anything.

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